Below is the floor plan for the 7th Christmas Toy Fair this weekend. The boxes aren't numbered, but Curls & Twirls (along with Purpektion Shop and Happy Hormones) are located at BOOTH #67. Click the image to see the floor plan as a whole.

As mentioned, tickets will be sold onsite at P60/head. Very cheap, no? So for any last minute Christmas shoppers out there, do drop by because we have loads of sweet stuff to offer you - ALL ON SALE!!
Also, C&S Designs will be consigning their super fab, super cool and super cute Design Your Life 2013 Photo Planners to us! :D They're actually already being sold at various National Bookstore and Powerbooks outlets, but as a special treat, the DYL planners will be offered at our booth at a MUCH lower price with freebies included! Now, ain't that grand? ;)
So, we hope to see you there~! ^__^