Hear ye! Hear ye!
(Click to enlarge.)
Curls & Twirls will be at:
Ozine Fest 2015
April 24-26, 2015 (Fri.-Sun.)
SM Megatrade Halls 1-3, SM Megamall
Yes, we're *still* alive - just too busy replenishing some handmade goods to make updates on this blog. Really sorry about that, folks. ^^;
Moving on~
Next weekend is one of the biggest events on the first half of 2015 - Ozine Fest! Of course, Curls & Twirls will be joining in on the fun and craziness along with our usual partners. :)
Below is the floor plan. We're at Booth E-66! It's close to the entrance of Hall 2 (Exhibitors' Area); you won't miss it. ;)
(Click to enlarge.)
Ticket price is P200/head - well worth the price considering the program proper, activities and special guests in store for all goers. This year's Ozine is the biggest Ozine yet, so don't miss out!
See you? (Yes! <3)