- Sushi USB Necklace (Uzura Natto Edition)
-------> Comes with an exclusive gift box, pouch and lanyard!
1. Be a part of our family by clicking the link and liking our page.
2. Click the link and like the image.
3. For BONUS points, comment on said image with what you think is the BEST thing about Curls & Twirls! :)
Aby Angel Capinpin
Bernadeth Gutierrez
Randomly picked by Classtool.net's Fruit Machine
Much thanks to everyone who joined. :)
★ Gen's message: ★
"Thank you for the kind words, my sweets! Each lovely comment never fails to put a smile on my face every time I read them. Knowing how Curls & Twirls is able to touch your hearts and arouse the quirkiness in you, it just makes me super duper happy and ecstatic! Now, I'm feeling more hyped up. I wish I can give you all a present, but we only have (2) stocks left for the USB. Haha. xD We'll make it up to you soon; for now, we'll be sure to bring you nothing but the BEST in everything cute, quirky, funky and weird! :D"
"Thank you for the kind words, my sweets! Each lovely comment never fails to put a smile on my face every time I read them. Knowing how Curls & Twirls is able to touch your hearts and arouse the quirkiness in you, it just makes me super duper happy and ecstatic! Now, I'm feeling more hyped up. I wish I can give you all a present, but we only have (2) stocks left for the USB. Haha. xD We'll make it up to you soon; for now, we'll be sure to bring you nothing but the BEST in everything cute, quirky, funky and weird! :D"
Anyway, please stay tuned for June's giveaway~! 


sana manalo na ako sis! heheheh!