Curls & Twirls' official website is FINALLY up & running! :D
Back in January 2009, Curls & Twirls made its home and was determined to stay. As the first Philippine-based online shop to specialize in cute, quirky, rare novelties and knickknacks, word about our soft opening got out fast, and before we even reached our first month, we have already secured ourselves a solid fan base and a steady stream of new and repeat customers. It was such a mind-boggling, yet delightful experience - the daily transactions, the frequent meet-ups with clients, the blog reviews, the newspaper and media features (Unang Hirit, Umagang Kay Ganda, Ka-Blog!), and even the tie-ups with Globe and Multiply itself.
Sadly, Multiply abruptly closed down last 2013, leaving our online shops practically homeless. Most of my fellow sellers turned to Facebook; others signed up on other selling websites I honestly had not heard of until said sites contacted me to relocate. I, on the other hand, didn't know where to go. Sure, I had my eBay store to fall back on, but it just wasn't the same as the one I had in Multiply, and I especially loved my Multiply site because I MADE it, painstakingly and patiently coding everything so it would look the way I wanted it to. It was my baby, and Multiply took it away from me. :(
Then, it occurred to me: what if Curls & Twirls has its own website? I've always considered it, but the thought also scared me. A website of your own is such a huge step - it's virtually another form of independence, and well, I didn't think I was ready for that. But I couldn't let Curls & Twirls die along with Multiply, years of labor and hard work going down the drain just because I was too much of a pansy to move forward. And so, I manned up and took that step, gearing myself for the long, arduous and meticulous path of creating a new home for Curls & Twirls.
And after months and months of endless planning, drafting, designing, revising, coding, installing, testing, editing, and just plain persevering, we now have this:
Back in January 2009, Curls & Twirls made its home and was determined to stay. As the first Philippine-based online shop to specialize in cute, quirky, rare novelties and knickknacks, word about our soft opening got out fast, and before we even reached our first month, we have already secured ourselves a solid fan base and a steady stream of new and repeat customers. It was such a mind-boggling, yet delightful experience - the daily transactions, the frequent meet-ups with clients, the blog reviews, the newspaper and media features (Unang Hirit, Umagang Kay Ganda, Ka-Blog!), and even the tie-ups with Globe and Multiply itself.
Sadly, Multiply abruptly closed down last 2013, leaving our online shops practically homeless. Most of my fellow sellers turned to Facebook; others signed up on other selling websites I honestly had not heard of until said sites contacted me to relocate. I, on the other hand, didn't know where to go. Sure, I had my eBay store to fall back on, but it just wasn't the same as the one I had in Multiply, and I especially loved my Multiply site because I MADE it, painstakingly and patiently coding everything so it would look the way I wanted it to. It was my baby, and Multiply took it away from me. :(
Then, it occurred to me: what if Curls & Twirls has its own website? I've always considered it, but the thought also scared me. A website of your own is such a huge step - it's virtually another form of independence, and well, I didn't think I was ready for that. But I couldn't let Curls & Twirls die along with Multiply, years of labor and hard work going down the drain just because I was too much of a pansy to move forward. And so, I manned up and took that step, gearing myself for the long, arduous and meticulous path of creating a new home for Curls & Twirls.
And after months and months of endless planning, drafting, designing, revising, coding, installing, testing, editing, and just plain persevering, we now have this:
Layout & design by: Curls & Twirls
Coding & installation by: Miliewebworks
Coding & installation by: Miliewebworks
All the headache and hard work finally paid off! :D Surprisingly, the whole experience is like taking an exam or an interview. You absolutely dread it as it approaches you, then it comes and you simply deal with it as best as you can. When it's over, you sigh, feeling relieved of the burden, and realize almost immediately that hey, that wasn't so bad!. ;)
Okay, I'm gonna stop right here as I feel I've already rambled long enough. xD You're here for the giveaway mechanics, and now, AT LAST, I shall deliver. =]
*drum rolls*
(Click for a larger view.)
As you all know, this grand giveaway is to commemorate Curls & Twirls' website opening. It's long overdue, but like I always say, better late than never. Besides, it's worth the wait, I assure you. ;)
Some VERY important stuff to take note of:
A huge THANK YOU!! to these awesome webpreneurs for sponsoring my grand giveaway - Jayne of Hatah! Hatah!, Dona of GWYSHOP, Olive of For Isabela, Olive Ru of Olive Cubes, Josele of Pandora's Box, Dale of Gyaru Shoppe, Issa of Fandom Trinkets, Micah of The Keybie Cafe, Gel of Hodge Podge, and Ruth of Tokyo Sweets PH. Please support them as well! :)
Special thanks to my blogger buddies, wonderful writers who helped promote this giveaway - Andy of Shimmerjjang, Aubry of Poly Glamorous, Frances of Frances and Flair, Kat of Mahou Shoujo Thriftster, Stephanie of Vogue Kiss, Eka of Lucid Dreaming, Katz of Nekomi Kasai, and Lou of Steal The Style. Hope we collaborate again some time soon! <3
As you all know, this grand giveaway is to commemorate Curls & Twirls' website opening. It's long overdue, but like I always say, better late than never. Besides, it's worth the wait, I assure you. ;)
Some VERY important stuff to take note of:
- The giveaway is open WORLDWIDE, and will run from July 20, 2014 at 8:00 pm (GMT +8) - September 20, 2014 at 11:59 pm (GMT +8).
- There will be a total of (13) prizes to be given out - (10) consolations, (1) bonus and (2) main prizes.
- Participants MUST comply to the mandatory steps to qualify for an entry.
- Bonus points are optional, but HIGHLY recommended, as these will increase your chances to win. :)
- Participants MUST comment below this post with your details. Treat this as your "attendance sheet". Besides the mandatory steps, we strictly implement a NO COMMENT, NO ENTRY policy. How else would I know of you joining the giveaway if you don't tell me?
- Prizes are NOT convertible to cash.
(Click for a larger view.)
1.) Kawaii kitty hat w/ pompoms || Hatah! Hatah!
2.) Glam ear cuff w/ matching stud || Curls & Twirls
3.) Firebolt necklace (Harry Potter) || Fandom Trinkets
4.) Handmade napkin buddy purse || Curls & Twirls
5.) iPhone home button sticker set || Curls & Twirls
6.) The Fault in Our Stars couple rings || Fandom Trinkets
7.) Frozen-inspired bottle cap keychain (Let It Go!) || Hodge Podge
8.) Frozen-inspired bottle cap pen (Snowflake) || Hodge Podge
9.) Dean Winchester's necklace (Supernatural) || Fandom Trinkets
10.) Handmade Pokeball plushie (Pokemon) || Olive Cubes
11.) Kawaii lens case || GWYSHOP
12.) Handmade angel wings || Hatah! Hatah!
13.) Handmade kitty pals bag charm || The Keybie Cafe
14.) Handmade bottled Oreos necklace || Pandora's Box
15.) Handmade cat ear clips || For Isabela
16.) Kawaii mimi headband || Gyaru Shoppe
17.) Kawaii mimi headband || Gyaru Shoppe
18.) Crystal lens set w/ solution and case || GWYSHOP
19.) Geeky glass frames || Curls & Twirls
20.) False eyelashes (1 pair) || GWYSHOP
21.) Shooting star bottle cap necklace || Hodge Podge
22.) Nestle Aero - Green Tea 12's || Tokyo Sweets PH
23.) 20% OFF discount coupon || Curls & Twirls
How to win these adorable goodies, you ask? Easy-peasy! :)
To get more points and increase your chances of winning, you can do any (or ALL, I implore you!) of the following:
That's a total of 15 extra points for you right there. :)
If you tried for the bonus entries, please include them in your comment. Don't forget to include the link or URL if it is applicable to your bonus entry (i.e., URL of post, tweet, etc.)! I will check them meticulously, if you must know. >=3
As stated, the giveaway will end on September 20, 2014 at 11:59 pm (GMT +8). Winners will be chosen via Fruit Machine, and revealed on our official blog the day after. Along with this announcement, I will be sending out e-mails to all the winners. Failure to respond within the next 48 hours will automatically void your entry, which also means that I will be raffling off your slot to another (lucky) person.
I think that covers everything. For any other questions and concerns, feel free to contact me anytime.
Now then, let the fun begin! Best of luck, everyone~! ^__^
1.) Kawaii kitty hat w/ pompoms || Hatah! Hatah!
2.) Glam ear cuff w/ matching stud || Curls & Twirls
3.) Firebolt necklace (Harry Potter) || Fandom Trinkets
4.) Handmade napkin buddy purse || Curls & Twirls
5.) iPhone home button sticker set || Curls & Twirls
6.) The Fault in Our Stars couple rings || Fandom Trinkets
7.) Frozen-inspired bottle cap keychain (Let It Go!) || Hodge Podge
8.) Frozen-inspired bottle cap pen (Snowflake) || Hodge Podge
9.) Dean Winchester's necklace (Supernatural) || Fandom Trinkets
10.) Handmade Pokeball plushie (Pokemon) || Olive Cubes
11.) Kawaii lens case || GWYSHOP
12.) Handmade angel wings || Hatah! Hatah!
13.) Handmade kitty pals bag charm || The Keybie Cafe
14.) Handmade bottled Oreos necklace || Pandora's Box
15.) Handmade cat ear clips || For Isabela
16.) Kawaii mimi headband || Gyaru Shoppe
17.) Kawaii mimi headband || Gyaru Shoppe
18.) Crystal lens set w/ solution and case || GWYSHOP
19.) Geeky glass frames || Curls & Twirls
20.) False eyelashes (1 pair) || GWYSHOP
21.) Shooting star bottle cap necklace || Hodge Podge
22.) Nestle Aero - Green Tea 12's || Tokyo Sweets PH
23.) 20% OFF discount coupon || Curls & Twirls
(Click for a larger view.)
1.) Sailor Chibi Moon hat w/ pompoms || Hatah! Hatah!
2.) Glam ear cuff w/ matching stud || Curls & Twirls
3.) Deathly Hallows necklace (Harry Potter) || Fandom Trinkets
4.) Handmade napkin buddy purse || Curls & Twirls
5.) iPhone home button sticker set || Curls & Twirls
6.) Handmade Master Ball plushie (Pokemon) || Olive Cubes
7.) The Fault in Our Stars mismatched earring studs|| Fandom Trinkets
8.) Snow White bottle cap keychain || Hodge Podge
9.) Sakura bottle cap pen || Hodge Podge
10.) Mini devil horn clips || For Isabela
11.) Doraemon ear buds w/ winder || Curls & Twirls
12.) Handmade macaron cluster phone charm || The Keybie Cafe
13.) Pentagram necklace (Supernatural) || Fandom Trinkets
14.) Handmade bottled macarons necklace || Pandora's Box
15.) Kawaii mimi headband || Gyaru Shoppe
16.) Kawaii mimi headband || Gyaru Shoppe
17.) Handmade dark angel wings || Hatah! Hatah!
18.) Camera bottle cap necklace || Hodge Podge
19.) False lower lashes (2 pairs) || GWYSHOP
20.) False eyelashes (2 pairs) || GWYSHOP
21.) Premium! False eyelashes (3 pairs) || GWYSHOP
22.) Japanese Kit Kat - Vanilla Bean 12's || Tokyo Sweets PH
23.) 20% OFF discount coupon || Curls & Twirls
All coupons to be given are valid for the whole of 2014, and good for (1) use only.SET B:
1.) Sailor Chibi Moon hat w/ pompoms || Hatah! Hatah!
2.) Glam ear cuff w/ matching stud || Curls & Twirls
3.) Deathly Hallows necklace (Harry Potter) || Fandom Trinkets
4.) Handmade napkin buddy purse || Curls & Twirls
5.) iPhone home button sticker set || Curls & Twirls
6.) Handmade Master Ball plushie (Pokemon) || Olive Cubes
7.) The Fault in Our Stars mismatched earring studs|| Fandom Trinkets
8.) Snow White bottle cap keychain || Hodge Podge
9.) Sakura bottle cap pen || Hodge Podge
10.) Mini devil horn clips || For Isabela
11.) Doraemon ear buds w/ winder || Curls & Twirls
12.) Handmade macaron cluster phone charm || The Keybie Cafe
13.) Pentagram necklace (Supernatural) || Fandom Trinkets
14.) Handmade bottled macarons necklace || Pandora's Box
15.) Kawaii mimi headband || Gyaru Shoppe
16.) Kawaii mimi headband || Gyaru Shoppe
17.) Handmade dark angel wings || Hatah! Hatah!
18.) Camera bottle cap necklace || Hodge Podge
19.) False lower lashes (2 pairs) || GWYSHOP
20.) False eyelashes (2 pairs) || GWYSHOP
21.) Premium! False eyelashes (3 pairs) || GWYSHOP
22.) Japanese Kit Kat - Vanilla Bean 12's || Tokyo Sweets PH
23.) 20% OFF discount coupon || Curls & Twirls
(Click for a larger view.)
1.) Riveel eyeshadow compact || GWYSHOP
2.) Bacon & egg twin bottle cap keychain || Hodge Podge
3.) Kawaii blue birdie hat w/ pompoms || Hatah! Hatah!
4.) Riveel liquid foundation || GWYSHOP
5.) The Ring necklace (Lord of the Rings) || Fandom Trinkets
6.) Afro Ken bottle cap pen || Hodge Podge
7.) Lego brick bottle cap necklace || Hodge Podge
8.) Japanese Kit Kat - Dark Chocolate 12's || Tokyo Sweets PH
9.) Japanese Kit Kat - Strawberry 12's || Tokyo Sweets PH
10.) 20% OFF discount coupon || Curls & Twirls
*NOTE: Set C is a BONUS prize only available to the FIRST TEN (10) contestants to complete ALL the steps (mandatory and optional) posted below AND post their entries via comment.
A 10% OFF coupon each will be given to (10) other participants as consolation prize.
1.) Riveel eyeshadow compact || GWYSHOP
2.) Bacon & egg twin bottle cap keychain || Hodge Podge
3.) Kawaii blue birdie hat w/ pompoms || Hatah! Hatah!
4.) Riveel liquid foundation || GWYSHOP
5.) The Ring necklace (Lord of the Rings) || Fandom Trinkets
6.) Afro Ken bottle cap pen || Hodge Podge
7.) Lego brick bottle cap necklace || Hodge Podge
8.) Japanese Kit Kat - Dark Chocolate 12's || Tokyo Sweets PH
9.) Japanese Kit Kat - Strawberry 12's || Tokyo Sweets PH
10.) 20% OFF discount coupon || Curls & Twirls
*NOTE: Set C is a BONUS prize only available to the FIRST TEN (10) contestants to complete ALL the steps (mandatory and optional) posted below AND post their entries via comment.
A 10% OFF coupon each will be given to (10) other participants as consolation prize.
How to win these adorable goodies, you ask? Easy-peasy! :)
- Like/follow Curls & Twirls on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
- Like and share our OFFICIAL POSTER on Facebook. Make it PUBLIC so I can check!
- Like and comment on your prize of choice (Set A or Set B) with "I want!" (or anything similar).
To get more points and increase your chances of winning, you can do any (or ALL, I implore you!) of the following:
- Create an account at Curls & Twirls. Simply click the 'My Account' tab to register; make sure you enter your name and shipping details via 'Edit My Address'. (+2)
- Share your prize of choice (Set A or Set B) via Instagram with the message: "I want to win this set at @curlytwirlyph Wai! Wai! BIG Kawaii Giveaway! #curlytwirlyph #kawaii #kawaiigiveaway #worldwidegiveaway". (+2)
- Tweet about this giveaway! Post this on your Twitter account: "Congrats on your new website, @curlytwirlyPH! I'm joining your Wai! Wai! Big Kawaii Giveaway to celebrate." (+1)
- Along with sharing our OFFICIAL POSTER as a mandatory step, tag your friends as well. Help me spread the word! (+1 per friend, maximum of 5)
- Like/follow Hatah! Hatah!, GWYSHOP, For Isabela, Olive Cubes, Pandora's Box, Gyaru Shoppe, Fandom Trinkets, The Keybie Cafe, Hodge Podge, and Tokyo Sweets PH on Facebook. (+5 for ALL, not each)
If you tried for the bonus entries, please include them in your comment. Don't forget to include the link or URL if it is applicable to your bonus entry (i.e., URL of post, tweet, etc.)! I will check them meticulously, if you must know. >=3
As stated, the giveaway will end on September 20, 2014 at 11:59 pm (GMT +8). Winners will be chosen via Fruit Machine, and revealed on our official blog the day after. Along with this announcement, I will be sending out e-mails to all the winners. Failure to respond within the next 48 hours will automatically void your entry, which also means that I will be raffling off your slot to another (lucky) person.
I think that covers everything. For any other questions and concerns, feel free to contact me anytime.
Again, if you're joining the giveaway, don't forget to:
1.) Do the MANDATORY steps stated above.
2.) Comment below with your: NAME, FACEBOOK ID, TWITTER ID,
3.) Comment with whatever BONUS ENTRIES you did.
Include the LINKS if applicable.
Include the LINKS if applicable.
I cannot stress this enough, people!
Now then, let the fun begin! Best of luck, everyone~! ^__^
A huge THANK YOU!! to these awesome webpreneurs for sponsoring my grand giveaway - Jayne of Hatah! Hatah!, Dona of GWYSHOP, Olive of For Isabela, Olive Ru of Olive Cubes, Josele of Pandora's Box, Dale of Gyaru Shoppe, Issa of Fandom Trinkets, Micah of The Keybie Cafe, Gel of Hodge Podge, and Ruth of Tokyo Sweets PH. Please support them as well! :)
Special thanks to my blogger buddies, wonderful writers who helped promote this giveaway - Andy of Shimmerjjang, Aubry of Poly Glamorous, Frances of Frances and Flair, Kat of Mahou Shoujo Thriftster, Stephanie of Vogue Kiss, Eka of Lucid Dreaming, Katz of Nekomi Kasai, and Lou of Steal The Style. Hope we collaborate again some time soon! <3

Hey there! ♡
ReplyDeleteJehan Abedin, Cainta, Rizal. (Specified location is written on my Curls & Twirls account!)
Facebook ||
Twitter ID || @haniivii -
Instagram ID || @haniiviii -
Email ||
I also shared the photo and tagged 5 friends. (I don't know how to link it exactly though ;; w ;;)
Hi~ Hi~
ReplyDeleteName: Genesis Santos
Twitter: @itsmemaxie
IG: @itsmemaxie
Location: Angeles City, Pampanga, Philippines
I made a Twirls and Curls account, Liked all the pages, Followed on Twitter and IG, Shared and Tagged 5 friends on the photo
I hope I'm lucky this time and CONGRATULATIONS on the new adorable site~ :D
Name: Kim Legaspi
ReplyDeleteLocation: Mexico, Pampanga, Philippines
Facebook ID:
Twitter ID: @rilakkimu
Instagram ID: @asdfghjkimu
Email Address:
[Shared on twitter]
[Shared on FB]
I made an account in this website, liked and followed all the pages, followed you guys both on twitter and ig, shared and tagged 5 people on the Official Poster on fb :)
Congratulations on the new website girl! Goodluck to all of us participants~ /crosses fingers and hopes to get picked :>
Hi~ also posted this on my instagram account :) here's the link:
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCamille Forteza
ReplyDeleteFB- CJ Forteza
Twitter- @HinamoriMiharu
IG -akane_camille
Place -Air Force City, Pampanga
-followed, re-tweeted, tweeted & shared
-shared & tagged
Curls & Twirls Website
-made an account
yay, congratulations to you guys ^^
Shared the pic in IG :)) yey :p
DeleteIs this fine? :p
DeleteNEW UPDATE :) : My IG ID: @julieyen21 I hope I'll win Set B and trying my luck !~ <3
ReplyDeleteHello there! Yaay!
ReplyDeleteAldwin Tano from Sampaloc, Manila
Twitter: @iamlouiset
IG : @iamlouiset
[Twitter] Followed. Twitted about this!
[FB] Liked all the pages, shared and tagged friends (
Curls&Twirls: Made an account :)
YAAY and congratulations to you! GO FOR IT! <3
Oh, it should be Aldwin Taño :)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMaggie Mae V. Cortez
Twitter: @maggiepesky09
Instagram: @maggiepesky09
Location: Mandaluyong City, Philippines
Created an account at Curls and Twirls.
Followed and Shared on Instagram :
Followed and Tweeted on Twitter:
Followed, Liked, Shared and Tagged 5 friends on Facebook:¬if_t=like
Followed all The sponsors for the giveaway.
Name: Vanessa Caballero
Twitter: @vancaballero9
IG: @vancaballero9
Location: Cebu CityPhilippines
Facebook share:
Twitter post:
Instagram Post:
I made a Twirls and Curls account, Liked all the pages, Followed on Twitter and IG, Shared and Tagged 5 friends on the photo :)
ReplyDeleteNAME: Ma. Nadine S. Payawal
FACEBOOK ID: Maria Nadine Payawal
TWITTER ID: @maryanapanda
INSTAGRAM ID: @maryanapanda
Address: Sta. Rosa, Laguna, Philippines
-Created an account at Curls & Twirls
-Tweeted it
-Posted my chosen set of prize on Instagram
-Shared the Official Poster
-Liked all the pages
NAME : Denisha Miranti
ReplyDeleteFACEBOOK ID :
TWITTER ID : @PussDenish
INSTAGRAM ID : @demitri922
Hi there!! ^^
ReplyDeleteName: Gwendalyn Henares
Facebook: Gwen Henares
Twitter: @jeonhojoons_
Instagram: @zinnah_bby
Location: Bacolod City
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
✓ Did all mandatory steps
✓ Created an account with my name with shipping and billing address address
✓ Instagram ID : @gwenwashere
✓ Shared and liked photo in fb
✓ Followed all sponsors
Hi, Gwendalyn! One participant, Ninnah, messaged me regarding your Twitter and IG account. It's okay that you copied her format, but please do edit the Twitter and IG to your own accounts so I can check and verify. Thanks for joining. :)
DeleteHi, Han! No worries. ;)
ReplyDeleteOh, thank God for your eagle eyes! :)) Thank you, Kat! Edited it already. <3
ReplyDeleteEek! I sent mine quite early pala. I will post my entry again. Hehe XD
ReplyDeleteHiya! ^•^
ReplyDeleteZarina Billones
FB ID: zarrybillones
Twitter: @zarryzarrynight
IG: @zrnxy
Bacoor, Cavite
I also created an account, liked/followed the pages, and tagged two friends on the photo. I couldn't post the other links because my phone went cray.
And, congratulations to your new website! °v°
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteName: Diane Christine Maninang
ReplyDeleteTwitter: @runxtinerun
Instagram: @Wandergirl23
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Email Address:
Done ❤❤❤
ReplyDeleteNAME: Marielle Ventura
Twitter: @rocjulianmalik
Instagram: @juanmayey
Location: Caloocan city, Metro Manila.
NAME: Koleen Enriquez
ReplyDeleteFACEBOOK ID: Koleen Enriquez
TWITTER ID: @loudlittlefreak
INSTAGRAM ID: @madamoisellenoire
LOCATION : Malabon City, Philippines
* Created an account on Curls&Twirls:
* Shared on Instagram:
* Tweeted:
* Liked all FB Pages
ReplyDeleteNAME: Sapphira Watts-El
FB ID: Sapphira Watts-El
Twitter: @88sapphira88
IG: @sapphiramw
LOCATION: Pueblo, Colorado, United States
Created Account on Curls and Twirls:
Tagged 2 friends on Facebook.
Liked all Facebook pages.
I tried to share it on Instagram, but I had no idea how to. Guess I'm not IG savvy. T_T
NAME: Sarah Rizaga
ReplyDeleteFACEBOOK ID: -Himesara5h (my page)
TWITTER ID: @himesara5h
INSTAGRAM ID: @himesara5h
LOCATION (CITY/STATE & COUNTRY): Cebu Ctity, Philippines
Bonus Entries:
*CurlsandTwirls Account:
*Shared on IG:
*Liked all FB Pages
♡ NAME: Jain Mae Rojo
ReplyDelete♥ FACEBOOK ID:
♥ LOCATION: Tangub City, Misamis Occidental, Philippines
Bonus Entries ✓
♥ Created an account at Curls & Twirls
♥ Tweeted:
♥ Shared the Official Poster tagged with the names of my friends.
♥ Liked and followed the pages: Hatah! Hatah!, GWYSHOP, For Isabela, Olive Cubes, Pandora's Box, Gyaru Shoppe, Fandom Trinkets, The Keybie Cafe, Hodge Podge, and Tokyo Sweets PH
Congratulations on your website and God bless you! :D
NAME: Jelianne Marie E. Angeles
TWITTER ID: @CrispyPatatas
INSTAGRAM ID: @klyde_oscope
LOCATION (CITY/STATE & COUNTRY): Caloocan City, Philippines
Bonus Entries:
- Made an account in CurlsandTwists -
- Tweeted
-Tagged Friends in FB
-Liked all the pages
Congrats on you website, sayang nawala multiply..
NAME: Kristine Domingo
ReplyDeleteFACEBOOK ID: kikaymuch
TWITTER ID: @enitsirk21
INSTAGRAM ID: @enitsirk_21
LOCATION (CITY/STATE & COUNTRY): Taguig City, Philippines
*Like/follow Hatah! Hatah!, GWYSHOP, For Isabela, Olive Cubes, Pandora's Box, Gyaru Shoppe, Fandom Trinkets, The Keybie Cafe, Hodge Podge, and Tokyo Sweets PH on Facebook.>>>>> DONE
*Create an account at Curls & Twirls. Simply click the 'My Account' tab to register; make sure you enter your name and shipping details via 'Edit My Address'.>>>> DONE
Done all the mandatories. But sorry don't have instagram :( hope that's fine
ReplyDeleteName: Marceline Judith
FB ID: Marceline Judith
twitter: @mjudyc
Location: Ilmenau, Thueringia, Germany
NAME/FB: Bonnie Erika
ReplyDeleteTWITTER/INSTAGRAM ID: @bonnieerika
LOCATION: Vancouver, BC Canada
I'd like set B please! thank you :)
NAME: Sarah Grace Dizon
ReplyDeleteFACEBOOK ID: Sarah Grace Dizon
TWITTER ID: @lePenguuu
INSTAGRAM ID:penguusarah
LOCATION: Victoria, Tarlac
Gemma ibarra
ReplyDeleteFb: gemma nyan kazehaya
Twitter: @gemmita1755
Instagram: @gemnya
Capital Federal / Buenos Aires / Argentina
Liked/followed Hatah! Hatah!, GWYSHOP, For Isabela, Olive Cubes, Pandora's Box, Gyaru Shoppe, Fandom Trinkets, The Keybie Cafe, Hodge Podge, and Tokyo Sweets PH on Facebook.
I Created an account at Curls & Twirls. Simply click the 'My Account' tab to register; make sure you enter your name and shipping details via 'Edit My Address'
NAME : Fany Ayanomori
ReplyDeleteFACEBOOK : Fany Ayanomori
TWITTER : @fany_hinatahime
INSTAGRAM : @fany_ayanomori
LOCATION (CITY/STATE & COUNTRY) : Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
-> Already Like/follow Hatah! Hatah!, GWYSHOP, For Isabela, Olive Cubes, Pandora's Box, Gyaru Shoppe, Fandom Trinkets, The Keybie Cafe, Hodge Podge, and Tokyo Sweets PH on Facebook.
Bonus Enties:
-> Already Create an account at Curls & Twirls.
-> Twitter Post Link :
Thank you very much for this kawaii giveaway!! I really hope to win !! >.<
Update for bonus entry ^_^
Delete-> Share the official poster & tag 5 of my friends on Facebook :
-> Share on Instagram :
Thank you very much ^_^
I want set B ^^b
ReplyDeleteNAME: Aramoix Narvaez,
LOCATION (CITY/STATE & COUNTRY): Caracas/Distrito Capital/Venezuela
Create an account at Curls & Twirls. Simply click the 'My Account' tab to register; make sure you enter your name and shipping details via 'Edit My Address' (DONE)
Tweet about this giveaway! Post this on your Twitter account: "Congrats on your new website, @curlytwirlyPH! I'm joining your Wai! Wai! Big Kawaii Giveaway to celebrate." (+1) (DONE)
Along with sharing our OFFICIAL POSTER as a mandatory step, tag your friends as well. Help me spread the word! (+1 per friend, maximum of 5) DONE
Like/follow Hatah! Hatah!, GWYSHOP, For Isabela, Olive Cubes, Pandora's Box, Gyaru Shoppe, Fandom Trinkets, The Keybie Cafe, Hodge Podge, and Tokyo Sweets PH on Facebook. (+5 for ALL, not each) DONE
Thank you so much for this opportunity!!! ^^b
NAME: Charcae G. Donaire
ReplyDeleteFACEBOOK ID: Charcae Donaire
TWITTER ID: @dcharcae
INSTAGRAM ID: @charcaedonaire01
LOCATION: 725 Bacalso Street. Sittio. Little Baguio, Mambaling Cebu City , Philippines
Extra Points
#1 Create an account at Curls & Twirls. Simply click the 'My Account' tab to register; make sure you enter your name and shipping details via 'Edit My Address'. (+2) ---->>>> DONE >>>>
#2 Share your prize of choice (Set A or Set B) via Instagram with the message: "I want to win this set at @curlytwirlyph Wai! Wai! BIG Kawaii Giveaway! #curlytwirlyph #kawaii #kawaiigiveaway #worldwidegiveaway". (+2)---->>>>DONE>>>>
#3 Tweet about this giveaway! Post this on your Twitter account: "Congrats on your new website, @curlytwirlyPH! I'm joining your Wai! Wai! Big Kawaii Giveaway to celebrate." (+1)---->>>>DONE>>>>
#4 Along with sharing our OFFICIAL POSTER as a mandatory step, tag your friends as well. Help me spread the word! (+1 per friend, maximum of 5) ---->>>>DONE>>>>
#5 Like/follow Hatah! Hatah!, GWYSHOP, For Isabela, Olive Cubes, Pandora's Box, Gyaru Shoppe, Fandom Trinkets, The Keybie Cafe, Hodge Podge, and Tokyo Sweets PH on Facebook. (+5 for ALL, not each)---->>>> Done >>> Hatah! Hatah!:
For Isabela:
Olive Cubes:
Pandora's Box:
Gyaru Shoppe:
Fandom Trinkets:
The Keybie Cafe:
Hodge Podge:
Tokyo Sweets PH:
GoodLuck po satin ^_^ ., GodBless po sa Company niyo CurlsAndTwirls
Note: Better late than never. :)
NAME: Divya Asha
TWITTER ID: @DivyaAsha
INSTAGRAM ID: @ashadivya
LOCATION: India (Chennai, Tamil Nadu)
Tweet link:
Tagged friends & shared on facebook:
I want set B.
DeleteI want set A.
ReplyDeleteNAME: Vinod Sapra
LOCATION: India (Paonta Sahib,Himachal Pardesh)
Tagged friends & shared on facebook:
Hello! ♡
ReplyDeleteName: Justyna Witek
Location: Krakow, Poland
Facebook ID: Justyna Witek
Twitter ID: @iluvsarahi
Instagram ID: @_kurokurai
Post twitter:
Post twitter:
Post facebook:
- Like/follow Hatah! Hatah!, GWYSHOP, For Isabela, Olive Cubes, Pandora's Box, Gyaru Shoppe, Fandom Trinkets, The Keybie Cafe, Hodge Podge, and Tokyo Sweets PH on Facebook.
What Prize Do I want? - SET A please. ♡
Thanks for the giveaway!
Hi I'm Charmienne Ruiz
ReplyDeleteIG: kokocrunch22
Twitter: _BlackDeath23
Location: nasugbu,Batangas
Facebook ID: Charmienne Ellone Cariño Ruiz
Bonus entries
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Tag 6 friends in Facebook share¬if_t=like
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Create an account on your website
Hope my name would be pick up ������ and congrats sa bagong website no
May the best luck wins !! ������
Ohhh I want SET A thou I also want them all sets ��������gahaman no ? Hahh
It was sorry for the typo
DeleteSophia Alyssandra P. Reyes
Twitter: @im_akitten
IG: @berrymustachio
Location: Metro Manila
Email Address:
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* Tweeted about this Giveaway. (
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*Liked all Pages required.
SET A <3
Congratulations on your new website!
Daisy Espinoza
Twitter: @daizzzzzzyyy
Instagram: @totally_bonkers
Location: California, Baldwin Park
*Bonus Entries:
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Liked all pages*
I would love to get Set B ♡
Thank you ♡~~ ^-^
Forgot to say i also made an account on Curls and Twirls :3
Deletecaryn morales
ReplyDeletefb name: Ccm
twitter/instagram: @ccm_1981
location: pagadian city, philippines
curls & twirls account:
instagram post:
twitter post:
fb share:
i want to win Set A
LeeLee Buffaloe Facebook
ReplyDeleteLoL_because Instagram
LeeLeeBaBy323 twitter
Murrieta California
Name LeeLee Buffaloe
ReplyDeleteI want set A