November 19, 2010
November 17, 2010
Destash Sale at 6-7 PM! :)
Hello, loves! 
Hope you're enjoying the sales~! ^__^ But don't checkout yet because the destash album will be up this early evening (around 6:00-7:00 PM). We have a huge reserve of beads, metal findings, jewelry components, craft supplies, packaging materials and bazaar/booth props to offer to anyone who's interested - sold per lots and all priced inexpensively!
On another note, I would like to thank everyone who has shown much appreciation to our handmade products from the Sample Sale album. Many have been asking me the reason behind our sudden turn to handcrafting and even expressed concern in certain issues like, "Are you not going to sell those cute little trinkets and funny toys anymore?". It's touching and a bit funny, really, because there really isn't any need to worry or, in someone's case, panic (you know who you are, ------! xD). We're just trying something new -- use our creative juices to actually make things and not just draw them. Definitely not a threat; the cute and quirky novelties that we are very much known to offer shall stay as long as the shop is running.
Happy? Relieved? Excited? I sure hope so~!
So now that we have that covered, pardon me as I sneak away yet again to finish the remaining chores for the upcoming destash sale.

Hope you're enjoying the sales~! ^__^ But don't checkout yet because the destash album will be up this early evening (around 6:00-7:00 PM). We have a huge reserve of beads, metal findings, jewelry components, craft supplies, packaging materials and bazaar/booth props to offer to anyone who's interested - sold per lots and all priced inexpensively!

On another note, I would like to thank everyone who has shown much appreciation to our handmade products from the Sample Sale album. Many have been asking me the reason behind our sudden turn to handcrafting and even expressed concern in certain issues like, "Are you not going to sell those cute little trinkets and funny toys anymore?". It's touching and a bit funny, really, because there really isn't any need to worry or, in someone's case, panic (you know who you are, ------! xD). We're just trying something new -- use our creative juices to actually make things and not just draw them. Definitely not a threat; the cute and quirky novelties that we are very much known to offer shall stay as long as the shop is running.
Happy? Relieved? Excited? I sure hope so~!

So now that we have that covered, pardon me as I sneak away yet again to finish the remaining chores for the upcoming destash sale.


November 15, 2010
Triple Holiday SALE '10!! Notes & Guidelines.
In line with the customary "Triple Holiday Sale '10!!", the following changes to our standard policy shall take effect today up to January 15, 2011:

We only have a few hours left before the sales begin, so please stay tuned!

In line with the customary "Triple Holiday Sale '10!!", the following changes to our standard policy shall take effect today up to January 15, 2011:
Over-the-counter deposit (BDO or BPI)
Globe G-Cash
Xend Express
MC Express
Over-the-counter deposit (BDO or BPI)
Globe G-Cash
Xend Express
MC Express
- SF starts at 60 PhP for Metro Manila, 90 PhP for Luzon, and 100 PhP for Visayas and Mindanao. Rates are already inclusive of insurance fee.
- NO MEET-UPS! I don't have anyone helping me run the sale, so please bear with me.

We only have a few hours left before the sales begin, so please stay tuned!

November 14, 2010
Sample Sale TEASER! :)
Hello, loves! 
The much-awaited "Triple Holiday Sale!!" is only less than 24 hours away! And while I cram on what's left to prepare for tomorrow's event, feast your eyes on the cuties below and tell me what you think:

These are only SOME of the exclusive items that are included in the "Sample Sale" - guaranteed all handmade and meticulously designed by yours truly!
But for a supposed SAMPLE, I think I made a LOT. ^^; Honestly, I didn't realize that itty bitty fact until I was doing inventory a few days ago. I mean, most of them have already been bought by the lovely customers we've had during AME Track 10 last weekend, but I made extras and kept them at home. So okay, I got a little carried away, but c'mon, I was on a serious roll! xD
Anyway, I hope the pictures above were able to get you in the mood for tomorrow. Not only are they adorable and quirky, they are all priced surprisingly cheap!
Isn't that great? Ah, the awesomeness of sample sales...
To our dear subscribers, please expect to be informed of the sales' exact time of release via SMS tomorrow morning. The others will just have to stay tuned, I suppose. Guidelines shall also be posted a few hours prior to the sales so prospective buyers can read them and be guided beforehand.
That's it for now. Good night, everyone!

The much-awaited "Triple Holiday Sale!!" is only less than 24 hours away! And while I cram on what's left to prepare for tomorrow's event, feast your eyes on the cuties below and tell me what you think:

These are only SOME of the exclusive items that are included in the "Sample Sale" - guaranteed all handmade and meticulously designed by yours truly!

Anyway, I hope the pictures above were able to get you in the mood for tomorrow. Not only are they adorable and quirky, they are all priced surprisingly cheap!

To our dear subscribers, please expect to be informed of the sales' exact time of release via SMS tomorrow morning. The others will just have to stay tuned, I suppose. Guidelines shall also be posted a few hours prior to the sales so prospective buyers can read them and be guided beforehand.

That's it for now. Good night, everyone!

November 12, 2010
It's Back - 2nd Annual "Triple Holiday Sale!!!" on Nov.15!! :D
It's that time of the year again~~ 
Truth be told, we had every intention of doing the sale last Nov. 01, just like last year's event, but the meticulous preparations we've made for AME Track 10 and the new line of handmade products for next year have hindered us from working on anything else. Besides, it wouldn't make sense if we do the sale on Nov. 01 and be flooded by a sudden rush of orders, then join a fair on the 6th and be swallowed up by even more customers! We're not exactly masochists, you know. ;____;
So anyway, I hope you already know what this "Triple Holiday Sale!!!" is. If you've been browsing our shop since last year, chances are you have already read the explanation I've provided about it. If not, well, no worries; I'd be glad to define it again for everyone. ^__^
What's a Triple Holiday Sale!!! again?
Simply put, it's a GRAND sale honoring the celebration ofHalloween our FIRST exhibitor gig, Christmas/End of the Year and Curls & Twirls' 2nd anniversary. Starting Nov. 15, 2010, ALL AVAILABLE ITEMS in our gallery shall be on sale for up to 75% OFF! This is not exactly what one calls a "Clearance Sale" though, as when Jan. 15, 2011 hits, all products that have been left unclaimed shall be sold on their original prices yet again.
And that's that. =]
You think I wasn't serious when I told you before that we rarely conduct sales? Why, I always *mean* every word that comes out of my mou-- hands (is that right? Because I'm typing and all? @__@"), no matter how stupid it may sound.
Again, that's on Nov. 15, 2010 (Monday), so start marking your calendars, loves! Along with this yearly event, we shall also be conducting a SAMPLE SALE, featuring the new products that we're planning to release next year as exclusive collections. Watch out for a special sneak peek!
AND if time permits, a DESTASH SALE shall also take part, making this year's holiday sale a Triple TRIPLE Holiday Sale!!!
Now, THAT's something you definitely should NOT miss! ^.~
Stay tuned for more updates!

Truth be told, we had every intention of doing the sale last Nov. 01, just like last year's event, but the meticulous preparations we've made for AME Track 10 and the new line of handmade products for next year have hindered us from working on anything else. Besides, it wouldn't make sense if we do the sale on Nov. 01 and be flooded by a sudden rush of orders, then join a fair on the 6th and be swallowed up by even more customers! We're not exactly masochists, you know. ;____;
So anyway, I hope you already know what this "Triple Holiday Sale!!!" is. If you've been browsing our shop since last year, chances are you have already read the explanation I've provided about it. If not, well, no worries; I'd be glad to define it again for everyone. ^__^
What's a Triple Holiday Sale!!! again?

Simply put, it's a GRAND sale honoring the celebration of
And that's that. =]
You think I wasn't serious when I told you before that we rarely conduct sales? Why, I always *mean* every word that comes out of my mou-- hands (is that right? Because I'm typing and all? @__@"), no matter how stupid it may sound.

Again, that's on Nov. 15, 2010 (Monday), so start marking your calendars, loves! Along with this yearly event, we shall also be conducting a SAMPLE SALE, featuring the new products that we're planning to release next year as exclusive collections. Watch out for a special sneak peek!

TRIPLE the fun, TRIPLE the ooh's and aah's, TRIPLE the savings!! 

Now, THAT's something you definitely should NOT miss! ^.~
Stay tuned for more updates!


November 9, 2010
AME Track 10: The Aftermath.
Considering that this is our first time, our participation at AME Track 10 was a HUGE success! A few minutes before the event, we had an organizer purchase from us, and only 10 minutes into the actual opening, we were already handing out a paper bag to our 5th customer! Yay!
Until now, I can't help but feel giddy every time I'd remember the hordes and hordes of people that would swarm our tiny booth every so often, gasping and cooing over our products. Seriously, you guys have NO idea how much you've made us happy with that - THANK YOU! We truly, truly appreciate it.
However, the day could have gone a little better, me thinks. For starters, I was suffering from a huge headache that day, and the very loud performers on stage didn't do anything to relieve me. One particular singer had the microphone in his hand already and yet he'd still shout and jump and just 'rock on' as if the people in the area didn't have EARS. There has always been a thin line between music and noise, and he was - in NO way - singing the lyrics; he was shouting them, and every word felt like knives. By the time the event finally ended, my ears were ringing and my head was throbbing. Ate Mooch was lucky to have earplugs on her, so next time, I'll come prepared. >__> (I'm sorry; I always get cranky when I'm feeling ill.)
Also, the venue should have been bigger. Many visitors had to wait long and hard outside the area because SMX's Hall 2 apparently couldn't accommodate any more people. Even those who had tickets prior to the event didn't get an early admission - save for my mom who intimidated the bouncers and practically forced her way in! xD But the many friends we've invited and the clients who were supposed to pick up their orders (and buy a few more, they said) weren't lucky enough. And we were so looking forward to seeing them (I even practiced my "greeting smile"!).
Maybe next time, we'll get lucky...
Despite the issues mentioned above, however, we all enjoyed AME Track 10. Granted that it needed improvements on certain areas and the orderliness was generally lacking, everyone had a great time, and that's all that matters in the end.
We - Gen, Cring and Mooch - thank UP AME for giving us the opportunity to be a part of their 10-year celebration, especially to Elise for inviting us and answering all our queries, and to Nigel for taking the time to meet us personally. Meeting Jayne of Hatah! Hatah! (and her baby bump!) was such a thrill, and Ms. Joy (ligayadiwata) - one of Onigiri Outlet's favorite patrons. I apologize for not being able to talk to you that much even if I wanted to. Besides my evil headache, I'd always shy away from people who I haven't known for at least a full year (Read: I have no people skillz. D:). If we ever meet again on future cons, I'll make it up to you, I promise!
Last, but definitely not the least, EVERYONE who dropped by our booth - even those who didn't buy but squealed in delight at the cuteness of everything we had (your appreciation alone is more than enough, really) and the guys who ogled over our kinky phone! xD
We have a few leftovers from the fair, so expect that I shall be featuring them here really soon for the rest of you to see. All of them are experimental projects, personally handcrafted by yours truly. More on these will be discussed on a separate journal entry that I've yet to work on. For now, I'll be catching up on 2 months' worth of sleep and at least a week's worth of playtime. I hope you don't mind. ^^
Oh, and pictures from AME Track 10 will be uploaded in a day or two. Thank you!

Considering that this is our first time, our participation at AME Track 10 was a HUGE success! A few minutes before the event, we had an organizer purchase from us, and only 10 minutes into the actual opening, we were already handing out a paper bag to our 5th customer! Yay!

Until now, I can't help but feel giddy every time I'd remember the hordes and hordes of people that would swarm our tiny booth every so often, gasping and cooing over our products. Seriously, you guys have NO idea how much you've made us happy with that - THANK YOU! We truly, truly appreciate it.

However, the day could have gone a little better, me thinks. For starters, I was suffering from a huge headache that day, and the very loud performers on stage didn't do anything to relieve me. One particular singer had the microphone in his hand already and yet he'd still shout and jump and just 'rock on' as if the people in the area didn't have EARS. There has always been a thin line between music and noise, and he was - in NO way - singing the lyrics; he was shouting them, and every word felt like knives. By the time the event finally ended, my ears were ringing and my head was throbbing. Ate Mooch was lucky to have earplugs on her, so next time, I'll come prepared. >__> (I'm sorry; I always get cranky when I'm feeling ill.)
Also, the venue should have been bigger. Many visitors had to wait long and hard outside the area because SMX's Hall 2 apparently couldn't accommodate any more people. Even those who had tickets prior to the event didn't get an early admission - save for my mom who intimidated the bouncers and practically forced her way in! xD But the many friends we've invited and the clients who were supposed to pick up their orders (and buy a few more, they said) weren't lucky enough. And we were so looking forward to seeing them (I even practiced my "greeting smile"!).

Despite the issues mentioned above, however, we all enjoyed AME Track 10. Granted that it needed improvements on certain areas and the orderliness was generally lacking, everyone had a great time, and that's all that matters in the end.

We - Gen, Cring and Mooch - thank UP AME for giving us the opportunity to be a part of their 10-year celebration, especially to Elise for inviting us and answering all our queries, and to Nigel for taking the time to meet us personally. Meeting Jayne of Hatah! Hatah! (and her baby bump!) was such a thrill, and Ms. Joy (ligayadiwata) - one of Onigiri Outlet's favorite patrons. I apologize for not being able to talk to you that much even if I wanted to. Besides my evil headache, I'd always shy away from people who I haven't known for at least a full year (Read: I have no people skillz. D:). If we ever meet again on future cons, I'll make it up to you, I promise!

We have a few leftovers from the fair, so expect that I shall be featuring them here really soon for the rest of you to see. All of them are experimental projects, personally handcrafted by yours truly. More on these will be discussed on a separate journal entry that I've yet to work on. For now, I'll be catching up on 2 months' worth of sleep and at least a week's worth of playtime. I hope you don't mind. ^^
Oh, and pictures from AME Track 10 will be uploaded in a day or two. Thank you!


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