September 2, 2014

Kawaii in Manila 2.

Kawaii? Kawaii!

As avid supporters of anything and everything kawaii, Curls & Twirls will join the bandwagon and promote this event that is sure to become THE happening for all kawaii lovers. ;)

(Click for a larger view.)

Sadly, we won't be there to join in the fun, but it's okay; we'll make it up to you on the upcoming Best of Anime and Cosplay Mania (among others). However, a few of our good friends will be showcasing their products and creations - Hatah! Hatah!, GWYSHOP, For Isabela, Olive Cubes, My Rotten Shoppe, and Dorotee Sweetlips (fashion show) - so make sure you drop by and shower them some love! <3

The organizers have created a website right here. Educate yourselves well! ;)

...And while you guys have fun over there, I shall be sweating it out on our yoga studio's first anniversary yogathon. Hoho~


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