Cosplay Mania '11
October 01-02, 2011
Function Rms. 3-5, SMX Convention Center
October 01-02, 2011
Function Rms. 3-5, SMX Convention Center
Event's highlights (at least, to us):
- Cring's bladder-enduring trip around SMX and MOA. The bladder won. xD
- Baby Josh FINALLY getting an exhibitor's ID of his own!
- Kokoy's surprising get-up. How he was able to walk with his helmet on, we shall NEVER know.
- Jin of Tuxedo Team/Tuxessories and her friend dropping by our booth to buy a Finger Shade! :D
- Squirting booby ecchi-ness~
- Gen winning a MyPhone Q19i (Dual Sim) from the ticket raffle contest!
