Another Success! 
As promised, here I am updating you and giving you a gist of the happenings at Cosplay Mania '11 from my side. Be warned though; I'm feeling really lazy today, so I'll keep this reflection short and concise.

As promised, here I am updating you and giving you a gist of the happenings at Cosplay Mania '11 from my side. Be warned though; I'm feeling really lazy today, so I'll keep this reflection short and concise.
The Good:
- It was plain FUN! Loads of things to do and activities to take part in. I even won a MyPhone Q19i Duo (Dual Sim) from the raffle contest! :D
- Many people visited and purchased from us - which, of course, was the main reason why us exhibitors were there in the first place. The faces of those unsuspecting guests who played with our Squirting Booby Toy and shortly got their surprise of the weekend shall forever be engraved in our mind and heart. Teehee.
- Jin from the Tuxedo Team/Tuxessories and her friend (I didn't get the name, but I recognized her as Inoue Orihime from their Bleach photo shoot) dropped by our booth and bought a Finger Party Shade from us! Yes, we were ALL starstruck! xD
- Freebies! There were Yakisoba, Chumbos and Taquitos stalls (among others) giving you free goods when you pass by them.
- My whole family was there for once! They didn't do anything though; just watched me fumble my way to customers and pack their orders in a tizzy. Haha.
- So many cosplayers - from teh awesome, teh okay-pwede-na, and teh plain awkward! 'Nuff said.
The Bad:
- Not enough space in the merchandise area. There have been many complaints about this, but there's actually a pretty good reason for this - the SM Characters area, which occupied almost HALF of the Fiesta Hall, seemed to have gotten carried away and took more space than what has been agreed upon. For some reason, the organizers just let them do as they pleased and made us, the exhibitors, squish our booths together instead. It wasn't supposed to be like that though, and we had the floor plan to prove it. They were a complete waste of space, IMO; it was like they transferred the actual SM Character section right there. Their goods were sooooo pricey, hardly anyone walked over to their area, leaving the poor staff and salespeople to play with their merchandise themselves. More importantly, their props, banners and whatnots were so big and tall, we couldn't even see or watch the happenings on the main stage from where we stood!
- Not enough food selections. There was only ONE food stall in the humongous event venue, and they had limited meals and stocks, so they would always get sold out just a few minutes after lunch time (despite being waaaaaaay overpriced) - which *really* irked me, because we were supposed to stay until 9 freaking PM. The organizers wouldn't let us bring food from the outside, and since we needed to constantly look after our booths, that left us with what? Grumbling stomachs and annoying migraines.
- We couldn't get away from our booth to watch the events on stage, ogle over the Guests of Honor like Pinky Lu Xun and JiakiDarkness, or visit other stalls for that matter. We were too busy with customers, and though this was good business-wise, still... We would have loved to enjoy the event ourselves. We couldn't even take pictures as many as we'd liked. Ah, well, c'est la vie~
- SMALL RESTROOMS! It was a complete hassle (and also time-consuming) to exit the halls and walk around the huge SMX Convention Center just to find a restroom with no crowd in it. Cosplayers who apply their make-ups and face paints and etc. despite the warnings were especially annoying. I don't like people who break the rules, after all. >__>
To summarize everything, Cosplay Mania '11 was Teh Bomb!! despite the few and minor inconveniences. Only 2 days have passed since the event and yet, we're already looking forward to the next!
To the Cosplay Mania troop, thank you for letting us be a part of this wonderful event. Everyone had a blast, and we sure as hell did as well!
Lastly, we have a few leftovers from the fair, so please expect the uploads some time this week. Newsletter subscribers will be informed beforehand, as usual.
As for the pictures, I'll be putting them up within the day. Stay tuned!

To the Cosplay Mania troop, thank you for letting us be a part of this wonderful event. Everyone had a blast, and we sure as hell did as well!

Lastly, we have a few leftovers from the fair, so please expect the uploads some time this week. Newsletter subscribers will be informed beforehand, as usual.
As for the pictures, I'll be putting them up within the day. Stay tuned!


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