February 2, 2013

CurlyTwirly Tanjoubi Giveaway - WINNERS! :)


Alright, I know you're all itching to know who won the many prizes for the CurlyTwirly Tanjoubi Grand Raffle Giveaway (wow, that's a mouthful!), but before that, I'd like to address a few stuff:

First, of course, is that I'd like to - again - thank everyone who joined the giveaway. This was the first grand giveaway I've hosted, so I'm really happy that a lot of you decided to participate. I wish I can shower each and every one of you with a truck-load of prizes, but alas, my business is not yet ready for that kind of gig. ^^

Anyway, I'd also like to give my warm thanks to the lovely Kai Grafia for partnering with me and helping me promote the giveaway to her legions of fans and followers. I hope we get to this again, Kai. Super thanks for being such a pal! *kisses* And I also hope you liked my Christmas present! ^__^

Now, for a more... fairly serious matter:

Despite the overwhelming number of entries, a few participants sadly didn't make it to the final raffle because they 1.] Failed to submit the required details and list of entries via comment (for the nth time, how will I know of your participation unless you tell me?), 2.] Missed even one of the MANDATORY steps (no exemptions, guys it'll be unfair to the others), or 3.] Liking/following our FB/Twitter accounts, only to withdraw some time later (e.g., Girl A joins the giveaway and likes Curls & Twirls' FB page weeks before the deadline, but when I got around to checking it a few days ago, I can't find her name anymore). 

My main beef is #3, in all honesty. So not cool, guys. Or do you not deem Curls & Twirls and/or Kai Grafia good enough for you that you'd just retract your likes/follows like that? Well, in any case, I did what I had to do. I said I was going to meticulously check all entries myself, and I did just that. But really, too bad. =\

Okay, I think that's about it. Next stop? Why, the most awaited part, of course! :D As usual, we'll be starting from the bottom:

 I'm feeling really generous today, so I've decided to upgrade 
the coupons from 5% OFF to 10% OFF! Hurray! :)

4th PRIZE: 
Image of prizes won [ HERE ].

3rd PRIZE: 
Image of prizes won [ HERE ].

2nd PRIZE: 
Image of prizes won [ HERE ].

1st PRIZE:
Image of prizes won [ HERE ].

Image of prizes won [ HERE ].

Congratulations, ladies! I'm so proud of you! :)

*** WHAT TO DO NEXT? ***
gene@curlsandtwirlsph.com by Feb. 10, 2013. Failure to do so will forfeit your win!

To those who didn't win, please don't feel bad as I'll be having more giveaways for you to enter and win! Just stay tuned, and make sure you're subscribed to our FB and Twitter accounts for real-time news and updates. 

Again, thank you so much for participating and making Curls & Twirls' 4th birthday so very special! Cheers to us all! Lovelovelove! :)


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